To my english speaking friends:
Enjoy these pictures which are trying to express by itself in some kind of universal lenguage,
because once in a while I feel that they are jumping up into my camera,
like a unique moments that are trying to don't die before have been seen.
Cheers for all!

Friday, July 28, 2006

¿Que pasa en el mundo?

Patrullan aviones de EU (USA) la frontera (Ovasiones, 15 de julio de 2006)
No siendo suficiente un muro, construyen otro muro; no siendo suficiente los minuteman, la milicia estadounidense cuida el muro fronterizo; no siendo suficiente las camaras de video y los sensores infrarrojos y de movimiento, ahora patrullarán la frontera con aviones.

(en la ruta de Memo)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice pictures. See that you are using a Nikon D50. But here it is the photographer that does the job. Very good indeed.

Greetings from Norway

Blogger Leónidas said...

Thanks for your comment!. I think as well that a great picture could be taken with any camera. Enjoy yourself the pictures.


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