To my english speaking friends:
Enjoy these pictures which are trying to express by itself in some kind of universal lenguage,
because once in a while I feel that they are jumping up into my camera,
like a unique moments that are trying to don't die before have been seen.
Cheers for all!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Ascona, Suiza (Ascona, Switzerland)


Ascona es uno de los pueblitos a la orilla del Lago Magiore, en la Suiza italiana. Un pueblito de cuento de hadas, con gente amigable y precios alucinantes!... una bonita experiencia.

Ascona is one of the little towns in the shore of the Lago Magiore, in the italian switzerland. A fairy tail town, with friendly people and mindblowing prices!... nice experience.


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