To my english speaking friends:
Enjoy these pictures which are trying to express by itself in some kind of universal lenguage,
because once in a while I feel that they are jumping up into my camera,
like a unique moments that are trying to don't die before have been seen.
Cheers for all!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Mis compis del laboratorio / My pals in the Lab

Fieles compañeros del día a día, aveces les cuento lo que me pasa (aunque uno que otro se espanta) y me escuchan tranquilos, estóicos, aveces hasta fríos, como dándome a entender que eso solo es un experimento, solo es temporal. Y como ellos yo también espero la hora de que el etanol entre, disuelva y arranque todo lo que es recalcitrante y nos deje limpios para lo que sigue (me gustó mucho esta comparación si pudiera patentarla lo haría!).
My loyal pals, day after day I told them what I feel (even if somebody think I'm mad!), they listen to me quiet, stoic, sometimes even cool, like trying to say that it's just an experiment, just temporary. And like them, I wait for the time when the ethanol get into, dissolve and rip off all that is a recalcitrant feeling and leave us clean/free for the next journey. (I really like this comparison, if the thoughts could be patented, I will do it).


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